100 Years of Silver Lake
By Margo Shelby 12.08.2137
On the occasion of Silver Lake's 100th anniversary, we would like to take you back to where it all began. Exactly 100 years ago, this city was build from the ground up. A few tec companies started to invest in smart city technologies. At that time, no city was willing or able to implement this rather new technology in such an amount, that those companies could push their research even further. So the only consequence was to build an entirely new city as a test area. As a perfect location the Mojave Desert in Nevada was picked.
A major part of smart city deals with the collection of data of, for example, traffic volumes, air pollution, usage of public spaces. This data is then analysed (by and artificial intelligence) and used to improve the existing situation. To enable the process of collecting and analysing data, huge storage spaces were necessary. The data is saved on server, which get stacked because of space-saving measurements.
Because every company has their own district, every company has their own sever tower as well. These towers and every tool to collect data are connected through a network, which spans across the whole city.
After the planning process was completed, these companies looked for people, that wanted to move into the city and live there permanently. The people that showed up, were genuinely intereseted in this new technology and new way of living. Everyon, who moved here at the age of 18 or over, got a microchip implanted, that connected to the city wide network as well. Through this chip, every citizen can access their own cloud storage and personal profile, which is basically on big file about the basic information that you need to master everyday life. Without this chip, you wouldn't be able the live here.
Another part of the smart city concept, is green energy and green buildings. Plants are integrated into the city wherever it is possible.