How INSCO and co. know you better than
your partner and family does
By Alicia Penwood 25.03.2138
Disclaimer: This column portrays the personal opinion of the author.
Do you think that these coporations like INSCO and OrasCOM are working together with the city council to improve the city and our lives?
Unlikely any other article I wrote, this one is a very personal one.
I was born and raised in the OrasCOM district of Silver Lake. When I turned 18, I, like every other person in this city, got a chip implanted and the corresponding contact lenses that project texts and images directly to your retina, as a debut to the city. This chip connects you to your online profile that you use for daily life and the network that spans across the whole city, in which evey district has their own cloud storage and access points. Every person with this chip has their own personal cloud storage in which you can save memories or grocery lists, etc.
At age 20, I moved to my own place in the same district and studied journalism. After my graduation I started working for the Silver Lake Daily and wrote for this magazine ever since.
Over the years I saved a lot of money to buy my own apartment one day. A few months ago, I took the chance and moved to the newly built INSCO district. My apartment was designed bei an artificial intelligence developed by INSCO and the government. The AI used information about me, that the city collected and stored over the years.
As it comes to furnishing, I am very picky about what I bring into my apartment. Through the stored data about me, INSCO knew exactly what I wanted and recommended a lot of furniture pieces, which I then acually bought. Among these pieces were a mirror called the „Informirror“. It let‘s you read the news or emails while your brushing your teeth or getting ready. Above I attached my memory of buy it. I was very happy with this mirror, it helped me to save a lot of time.
One morning, I was in the middle of applying my makeup, the network glitched (as reported 10.01.2138). As we all know, this is not really unusal. It happens a few times a year and becomes noticeable by a silght headache. But this time I experienced it differently. The mail I was reading glitched too and random text appeared on the mirror. At first I was really annoyed, but as I started reading these lines that were running across the mirror, I couldn‘t believe what I read. Because of that glitch, I suddenly had access to every little piece of information that the city‘s surveillance system gathered of me. Apparently it started at age 16, that my data was collected and every move was tracked. I could see what I did at any random day and place in my life, wether I was meeting with friends, had a date or took a shower.
So beside basic information about that specific person, your personal online profile saves a lot more data about your behaviour, preferences and daily activites. Based on these information these precise information, I talked
about, can be made. As I digged deeper into this topic, I discovered that the companies that should actually work with the government, took over the city council. Through tricky phrasings in contracts between the city and these companies, they lost control over them and so they developed their own corrupted system that the city council had to cover for. The data mining and analysing is just the top of the iceberg. Theoretically, everyone in this city has an online copy of themself stored in these huge server towers that are spread across the city.
The most important question is: what are they going to do whit all this data besides selling it to other companies? What is yet to come?
Note from editor in chief Margo Shelby, 27.03.2138: Due to this article, the network micro chip of Alicia Penwood has been deactivated and she is nowhere to be found. We at Silver Lake Daily hope for the best. But after this reveal we all can imagine what has happened to her.

Source: Saved Memory Alicia Penwood
Source: Saved Memory Alicia Penwood